Sunday, September 21, 2014


Moment of electric shock, Grajder in the basket first from left (Photo: twitter)
Captain Fire Brigade, Kentucky Toni Grajder died of injuries he sustained when shooting musicians in "ice challenge."

Grajder (41) and Simon Kuin (22) had experienced electric shocks because the water that the musicians were Waterer came into contact with a source of electricity.

Electricity is affected basket fire truck in which the two firefighters stood nanevši them serious bodily injury. Kuin last week was released from the hospital, while 41-year-old Grajder died.

When performing "Ice challenges" injuries are suffered two more firefighters, Steve Mars and Alex Johnson, but they were in mortal danger, and soon after admission to the hospital were discharged to home treatment.

Grajder was the father of five children, and in October last year was promoted to captain of the brigade.

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